Monday, April 30, 2018

Heart Guardian Award-(7)

Hall of Fame


May 21, 2017

A 54 year old man was resting after soccer game in Tong-Jin Highschool, Gimpo, Korea when he had a sudden cardiac arrest. Host of the event, Gimpo Woori hospital's staff Ho-Chul Shin gave him a CPR and used Radian's AED installed in the school lobby to save the patient's life. 

Radian awarded Mr. Shin with a <Heart Guardian Award>

Radian, We have been displayed a actual used AED(automated external defibrillator) in our company's show room. We also exchange used AED to brand new product for free of charge.

If you want more information about Heart Guardian Award, you can visit our website or you can contact us by

Thank You

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